Full Screen Application

Here are a few quick looks at some demanding full screen applications. All of these screenshots are taken with the Analog input on the LCDs.

The Matrix Reload, The Matrix - We use the Matrix series to test full motion video on our 191A. Since the Matrix isn't the best movie to test color reproduction, we typically only look for motion blur or other imperfections. For our purposes, the image quality looked very good, but slightly darker than on the Dell 2001FP. Increasing the brightness too much resulted in a washed out picture.

Click to enlarge.

Morrowind - Although the colors in Morrowind look right on, the image is fairly dark. Adjusting the brightness on this LCD too much results in a washed out image; likely attributed to the 6-bit panel.

Click to enlarge.

Max Payne 2 - We have said before that we get completely different results for each LCD we test with Max Payne, and the LL-191A is no exception. In fact, we found brilliant light and dark transition; perhaps even better than the Dell 2001FP. It is very apparent that the lower response time has edged out other monitors like the Samsung 213T.

Click to enlarge.

Halo - Similar to Max Payne, again, we saw great FPS performance. Unlike Max Payne, however, there are more colors to observe and after a few minutes of game play, we could tell there were differences between the LL-191A and other LCDs. The game feels a little too dark, particularly in hallway scenes where there is not much light. On the other hand, outdoor scenes look perfect, increasing or decreasing the brightness does not do the image any justice. Motion was very fluid and the lower response time can be felt immediately.

Click to enlarge.


Unreal Tournament 2004 - Halo and UT2K4 have very similar results. There are not as many dark corridors, so we did not experience any particular point in the game where the image was too dark, but attempting to increase brightness overall gave us a washed out image (similar to our analysis of The Matrix earlier).

Click to enlarge.

ColorVision Spyder Subjective Analysis
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  • KristopherKubicki - Thursday, May 20, 2004 - link


    How many 19" LCDs can you buy for 699 or less, and how many 20" LCDs can you buy for 1099 or less?

  • Fishie - Wednesday, May 19, 2004 - link

    In the conclusion, the author writes that oen of the nagging features is the $699 USD price tag. Why is this a nagging feature? Dell's 1901FP is $719 USD and thier 2001FP it $1,045 USD. Are Dell's prices nagging features too? Are 19", 16ms LCDs usually cheaper?
  • AlexWade - Tuesday, May 18, 2004 - link

    I just got my LG 1910S with a S-IPS panel, and its great! Even though respons times are listed at 25 ms, I notice no ghosting in Far Cry at all! Although, the text is not as sharp as I like.
  • Basse - Tuesday, May 18, 2004 - link

    Nice review,

    On the 2nd page, Construction, there is a typo I believe. The header for the spec table says "Samsung LL-191A-B". Should be Sharp or...?
  • XRaider - Tuesday, May 18, 2004 - link

    Good review. Dell seems to be much better though.
    To watch the mpegs.. just R click and do a "Save target as" and then open them up with Media player or whatever player you like to use that can watch .mpg's
  • KristopherKubicki - Tuesday, May 18, 2004 - link

    tfranzese: Should work now.

    Mithan: it could be; after a few years of DVI only it becomes a strain for me to go back to d-sub. Then again, some people may not be able to tell the difference (in the same way that some people cannot tell the difference between 20FPS and 60FPS). It really depends on what your eye perceives as acceptable.

  • tfranzese - Tuesday, May 18, 2004 - link

    Kris, I don't think it's a codec problem, but here's what works...

    When I click the image I get sent to a new window with this url:


    If I just paste this part into the browser I can download it just fine and watch it with no problem:


    Just seems to be linked incorrectly or sent through a script incorrectly. Hope this is of help.
  • tfranzese - Tuesday, May 18, 2004 - link

    Only thing I ever noticed on my Dell 1801FP (or whatever the model is, I'm to lazy to look it up, but you get my point) is that the DVI appeared to have better color. Gaming however, I wouldn't be able to say - thing has always been good to me gaming on analog because I use a KVM that doesn't have DVI.
  • Mithan - Tuesday, May 18, 2004 - link

    No DVI cable? So what.

    I bought a Samsung 172x and put it side by side with my existing NEC LCD 1765 (great for games BTW) and guess what? The DVI cable gave me virtually no improvement that I could notice.

    Maybe it had something to do with running my 9700 Pro in dual monitor config? Anyways, I doubt it.

    DVI is nice to have but I think you guys make a lot more out of it than it is worth.
  • KristopherKubicki - Tuesday, May 18, 2004 - link

    I will figure out whats wrong with them. they work for me but maybe i have an odd codec that makes them work (they are straight from my Sony DSC since thats the only thing i had for mpeg capture).


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