We’ve been waiting on DFI to provide the overclocking aristocracy with a DDR3 based Intel X48 chipset motherboard for quite some time and it looks like there’s a storm brewing back at the DFI HQ. Could this be the return of the king?

DFI kindly sent us their upcoming X48 motherboard press release earlier today. Although the board is not quite ready yet, we already know what to expect – raw overclocking headroom teamed with the best high FSB stability in the business. All the usual Lanparty features will be available; more BIOS options than you can shake a stick at, solid polymer capacitors, EZ-Clear, and excitingly enough - DFI will also be incorporating the Intel ICH10R Southbridge into the package. The NB/PWM cooling solution is a little up in the air at the moment, so we await final details.

We can’t wait to get one of these into the labs and start the arduous task of dissecting Mr Wu’s BIOS. If anyone can get the most out of the X48 our money is slap down on the table with DFI. 

More information on the board and cooling will be made available at Cebit 4-9th March in Hannover. For now, here’s an early picture of the board showing off all the prime real estate that should help bring DDR3 and the X48 to life..

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  • daos - Thursday, February 28, 2008 - link

    Now if they would only create a killer X48 board that uses DDR2. Wow, what a pipe dream!
  • Poloasis - Thursday, February 28, 2008 - link

    It's been long enough DFI but this is what I'm tasking about!

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