Bigfoot is Back: Killer Xeno NIC

You all remember Bigfoot Networks, right? The makers of the Killer NIC? They’re back with a cheaper, updated product: the Killer Xeno.

The Killer Xeno is a network card with an on-board processor, memory and lightweight Linux OS. It serves as a packet accelerator and voice/UDP offload processor for your PC. The idea is that the Windows audio and networking stacks are horribly inefficient and optimized for file transfers, not low latency gaming. The Killer Xeno bypasses the Windows audio/networking stacks and uses its own lightweight stacks to handle all voice chat/networking requests, theoretically translating into lower pings while gaming with voice chat enabled.

The new Killer NIC adds support for voice chat, a feature the original didn't have


We’ll be looking at the Killer Xeno in the not too distant future. Despite there being demos at the booth, none of them were the necessary Killer Xeno vs. No Killer Xeno tests to determine the usefulness of such a thing. We’ll put the card through its paces soon enough.

Counterstrike was the test of choice. Unfortunately there was no reference point for the demo.

The Killer Xeno software includes an application that will let you throttle bandwidth to running processes/applications. The utility can also serve as an automatic alert/defender against undesired outbound or incoming network connections.

The Xeno will ship next month starting at $130.

OnLive: Gaming Without the Hardware Requirements
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  • 0roo0roo - Saturday, March 28, 2009 - link

    i think its the same kind of idea as the network pc larry elison tried to push in the past. remember a while back he said that pc's wouldn't need harddrives, just boot through the net!! money saved!
    i think this is about as pointless as that. it moves the burden onto an expensive use of bandwidth, and people that have such lag free high bandwidth connections don't need help with buying video cards. they are selling a second rate experience in an environment of so many alternatives for entertainment. its just easier to get a console if you dont want to play the pc upgrade game.
  • nubie - Friday, March 27, 2009 - link

    [quote]...or on the OnLive "console" hardware; basically a video encoder, ethernet and a USB port.[/quote]

    I am assuming that you meant a video decoder?
  • Kroneborge - Friday, March 27, 2009 - link

    I don't know, I'm really not a fan of cloud computing, and don't think I would like cloud gaming either. There's something to be said for owning your own stuff, and not being totally dependent on a 3rd party provider.

  • zayfmaro - Friday, March 27, 2009 - link

    All of your comments talking about lag and latency have nothing to do with the concept of cloud gaming in and of itself. The idea of cloud gaming is revolutionary. Although we are lacking the internet bandwidth to enjoy such concepts as multiplayer cloud gaming, as soon as we find a better medium for high speed internet or better yet, a different loss-less compression technology, the ability to play any game through the internet will surely take off. Sure the quality won't be as good, but saving hundreds of dollars on computer hardware, and not having to upgrade my video card to play the latest games is so worth a few chopped frames and some latency. Most computer users don't get the best video cards on the market anyway its just not worth the price/performance ratio. Overall, if everyone has the same latency, then the latency itself is non-existent. I'm very excited for this technology and can't wait to see other uses of cloud computing.
  • bobobeastie - Friday, March 27, 2009 - link

    "This next part was cool. Iwata took us through how goes about designing games"

    That typo caused confusion for me for the first couple of pages. I just assumed it was supposed to be he that is missing, because it would seem difficult to skip someones name. It was not clear if Iwata was talking about Miyamoto or if Iwata was Miyamoto's first name. If I understand it correctly they had Iwata kissing Miyamoto's ass on stage, figuratively that is?
  • Wolfpup - Friday, March 27, 2009 - link

    All the stuff with Miyamoto SOUNDS good, but what's the point? Does Nintendo actually do any game development now? I can't remember any original titles last year that were GAMES.
  • tejas84 - Friday, March 27, 2009 - link

    This company Onlive has the gall to try and screw Microsoft,Sony, Nvidia, Intel and ATI and they think they can get away with it. Hmm I don't think so... I don't see these companies sitting down and taking this. More hardware is sold via current methods than by this method and this project threatens too many big corporations

    Besides what is this ??Communist North Korea where my gaming has to be done on a server collecting all my information ;spoonfed to me cos I'm too thick to buy a mid range PC or console and hook it up? People in this world still value tangible goods you know and where would all the folding@home be done?

    I thought in freedom loving America that you all love the ability to do things your way and not be ruled by a server which dictates the games pricing, and lack of mods, settings etc etc

    As far as Folding@home is concerned...Oh thats right I need to hire out a Cray Supercomputer server from Onlive costing $X thousands rather than using my GPUs and CPUs... This is about tangible versus nothingness and PC users are not going to give up their hardware for this shite. Maybe Mac fanboys would love this and some console gamers but PC enthusiasts know this is a load of baloney.

    ISPs in the US and Europe cannot handle this service effectively due to aggresive traffic shaping and this is the physical and real life reason why this will fail.
  • iwodo - Friday, March 27, 2009 - link

    Personlly i think it is a good idea, at least Slow, or not fast paced Action RPG, slow paced games, turn based games, RTS, turn paced, etc....

    It would be great for Mac too.
  • arturnowp - Thursday, March 26, 2009 - link

    I'm just wondering if OnLive has something to do with AMD Fusion Cloud computing with is schedule for end of 2009. OnLive didn't invent new CPUs and GPU system afterall...
  • arturnowp - Friday, March 27, 2009 - link

    I've just found out that AMD is behind OTOY, a competitor to OnLive. I just wanted to say please stop comlaining. It OnLive turn out to be over advertised nobody will use it, end of problem.

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